With the arrival of Robin Baker, Novoferm is about to see an exciting shake-up that will set the company on a new path. As the business enters a new era, we take a look at Robin’s vision below and what it will mean for customers and employees.
Robin’s role is UK Group MD for Novoferm and its UK-based subsidiaries, Novoferm UK, Robust, Horton Automatics, and the Domestic Garage Door Division.
His involvement with Novoferm stems from hard work and determination, along with a genuine passion for the industry. Now that Robin is precisely where he needs to be, he has made it clear that it is time for a change. Robin’s many years of experience, combined with his unique leadership style, will be the driving force of this change in the coming weeks and months.
Novoferm’s Vision
The goal is to make the industry and Novoferm safer while ensuring continued success for the business, something Robin feels that no company should shy away from. Robin has brought his unique leadership style to the table in the hopes of creating a warm and inclusive staff culture in which contributions are acknowledged, ideas are embraced, and success is rewarded. He also seeks to generate a clearer sense of direction for the whole business.
By building in more core services, Robin wishes to focus more on widening market appeal to include industrial doors while still holding to the company’s current offerings.
An Investment in Novoferm’s Future
To make all this a reality, Novoferm is set to invest half a million pounds in the fabrication side of the business, specifically in machinery, storage, and packaging. The aim is to improve build quality, capacity, and standardisation.
With this investment, Novoferm will be perfectly positioned to provide customers with superb lead times, ensuring a fast turnaround unmatched by any competitor. Customers won’t have to compromise on quality as Novoferm will be well-placed to maintain exceptional standards across the board.
The Employees Are Our Future
Many great leaders have embraced the idea that the happiness and well-being of employees must come first. If you look after your employees, they will, in turn, look after your customers. Robin’s proudest career moments have always been about coaching and developing individuals and seeing the value they can bring to the business.
By having a solid and motivated team, Novoferm is on track to become a more forward-thinking and successful company where innovation and engagement among employees are encouraged. By building a staff culture through coaching, training, development, and incentivisation, Novoferm will continue to build in strength as a company where careers are made.
A Holistic Approach
Robin wants customers to feel valued, which is reinforced by the appointment of Novoferm’s new Customer Service Manager, Alison Jarrett.
By improving safety and establishing a clear sense of direction, the hope is that employees will feel more appreciated. Employees that feel valued are better motivated to care for Novoferm’s customers, thereby increasing success.
Only through a holistic approach can Novoferm become the reliable supplier of choice for customers everywhere.
As Novoferm continues to make bold and productive changes, the company undoubtedly takes huge steps towards a brighter future under Robin’s close guidance. Everyone at Novoferm is excited for what this new chapter holds, and Robin and his team are looking forward to working closely with clients, both new and existing. If you would like to find out more, you need only to reach out to the Novoferm team today.